Dedicated to furthering the voices of new authors, whose works help to elevate the consciousness & spirit of their readers.
Dedicated to furthering the voices of new authors, whose works help to elevate the consciousness & spirit of their readers.
We specialize in self-help books and other works that raise awareness around the importance of self-care. These books challenge the traditional notion that self-care is selfish and promote growth that translates to more fulfilling lifestyle habits. Through interdisciplinary approaches to wellness and holistic practices in life balance, readers gain insight into the how's and why's of self-directed care.
We take special interest in lyrical and slam poetry in its written form. Because these forms of poetry are traditionally written for performance, they are underrepresented in the literary world, with the exception of street-based slam books. In written form, they provide even greater opportunity for reflection.
We target readers open to/interested in developing their relationship with a higher power. While these works are not religious or endorsing of any one denomination, they use the connection to something greater (God, the universe, energy, vibration, etc.) as a facilitator of self-expansion. These works are built on the premise that we are made of and are part of something grander.